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維生素狂熱 - 雲播
  • 類別: 纪录片 | 年份:2018 | 更新時間: 2024年2月13日 20:24
維生素,又稱維他命,適量攝取可保持身體健康,而過量則會中毒。維生素已成爲價值千億美元的產業,Derek Muller博士講述維生素的科學和歷史,以及怎樣合理攝取。 Almost one billion of us take a regular dietary supplement, mainly vitamin tablets. Vitamins are enthusiastically endorsed by celebrities, and vitamin-fortified foods line our supermarket shelves. But how safe are these products? Is it true that vitamins are 「natural」 and therefore can’t do you any harm? How are they regulated, and how can parents make the right ...
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